There are too many taboos around men’s sexual and physical wellness which conceal a more sinister mental health crisis.

Men’s wellbeing often gets brushed aside, or worse still, jeered at. There are so many troubling taboos associated with men’s health, so it’s no wonder that men are less likely to seek medical support that women.

The risk of men’s mental health deteriorating due to common, treatable concerns is one we must reduce. Men have a far higher risk of suicide than women, with suicide rates the highest amongst men aged 40-44 in the UK. With men already facing a mental health epidemic, improving men’s relationships with their own bodies and their self-confidence is a healthcare imperative.

After treating patients in the community for years, Welsh pharmacists Jack and Andy (that’s us, hi) decided to create an online wellness platform to treat common concerns facing men. Men2BeHealth addresses a whole host of regular issues, such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and hair loss.

These are problems we see getting undermined again and again, but doing so can be detrimental to men’s wellbeing. Treating ED is so much more than just giving a man a boost in the bedroom. Helping someone take control of their hair loss isn’t just a superficial issue. Men’s mental health suffers when they don’t get the support they require.

Erection Depression

Evidence shows a strong link between erectile dysfunction and poor mental health amongst men.

The correlation between erectile issues and depression is widely reported. A 2009 study of 3,810 men found that those with ED had significantly lower mental health scores than those without ED.

Around 10-20% of ED cases are caused by psychological factors, which may include trauma, stress, anxiety about performing sexually, or low self-esteem. Thus, men who are dealing with the difficulties of ED may also be struggling with mental health challenges. Seeking help for ED should not be stigmatised. In fact, it shouldn’t be a big deal at all.

Men2BeHealth as a hassle-free, discreet service; not because men should have to keep these things secret, but because accessing medical support should be easy, and free of any daunting scenarios that may deter people from seeking help.

Premature Ejaculation (PE)

Eight trials including 18,035 participants found that depression was significantly associated with the risk of premature ejaculation. 20-30% of men may be affected by PE, which paints a grim picture for men’s mental health. Men with PE complain about decreased sexual confidence and psychological comorbidities, impairing their own mental health and their relationship dynamics.

The relationship between premature ejaculation and poor mental health is a mutual one. It can be difficult to determine whether poor mental health is the pre-cursor to premature ejaculation or vice versa. But, what’s evident is that physical symptoms often indicate mental health issues, and they shouldn’t be ignored.

Hair Loss

Hair loss is incredibly common. Nevertheless, many men find this distressing and losing hair is heavily associated with the development of anxiety and depression, particularly (but not only) amongst younger men who experience hair loss.

There are several ways of combatting hair loss. We offer a medical solution, called finasteride. Some men may also choose to seek hair transplants. But what’s troubling is that these solutions are often sought out in secret. While men are dealing with physical changes, they also have to put up with unnecessary shame around wanting to take control of their appearance.

If you or anyone you know is dealing any of the issues listed above, please feel free to browse our support here. We would always recommend chatting to your doctor or someone with your best interest at heart if you are dealing with mental health problems, such as anxiety or depression. 

If you’ve got any questions, please email [email protected] and we’ll be sure to help you in any way we can.