Men’s health doesn’t get enough airtime. After working as pharmacists in Welsh communities for years, two young professionals decided to change that.

There are certain issues that men are less likely to seek help with. After working in local communities, two pharmacists came to understand just how prevalent health shame is amongst men of all ages. In this day and age, there really is no place for stigmas in healthcare. So many conditions are treatable and preventable if managed properly, but men are far less likely to seek medical support than women.

In a recent survey, nearly two thirds of men questioned said they would avoid going to the doctor for as long as possible. 72% admitted that they’d rather clean the toilet than go to the doctor, which speaks volumes. When men do seek the help they need, they are also more likely to understate their issues. 37% of those surveyed said they haven’t been honest with their doctors in the past, because they were worried about receiving a potentially dangerous diagnosis.

It’s not just about dangerous conditions either. While men should be confident in seeking help for serious conditions such as hypertension or diabetes, any ailments should be treated to help men have the best possible quality of life. You only get one body, why put up with issues that compromise your happiness? Conditions such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are super common and massively impact men’s wellbeing and quality of life. But conditions such as these are widely under-reported.

Men’s Health and Hypermasculinity

So why are men less likely to seek help? Well, this is a complex issue – one that comprises fear, stigmas and misconceptions about healthcare, but hypermasculinity is a big part of the picture. Hypermasculinity, or ‘toxic masculinity’ as it’s often referred to, is a psychological term that refers to ‘traditionally male’ or masculine behaviour. The social codes of our Western society have placed certain expectations on men to be tough and macho, but this can have a damaging effect on wellbeing. By in large, men are still expected to have a stiff upper lip and not to talk about their bodily issues. This causes feelings of embarrassment and isolation that are completely unnecessary, but often difficult to overcome.

Men2BeHealth – Understanding Men’s Health

Fed up of seeing men going without health provisions, Jack and Andy decided to take a stand and create an online prescribing service just for men. Men2BeHealth offers the discretion many men desire, while also challenging stigmas about men’s health. The brand is driven by the desire to give all men the support they need, whether or not they are comfortable talking about it. The benefit of this is that men can seek expert support without having to have a face to face conversation, and if appropriate, receive a prescription, delivered to their door.

But Men2BeHealth don’t shy away from ‘taboo’ issues, and if other men want to join in on the conversation – excellent. If not, hopefully they can get what they need from a supportive brand that reminds them how normal it is to need support.

ending men's health stigmas

Men2BeHealth are currently offering treatment for:

How does it work?

Getting the treatment you need is simple. All you need to do is select your issue and complete a quick online consultation. We will then determine whether medication is appropriate for you and if it is, you can select your preferred treatment and get it delivered to your door.