More than half of men over 50 show signs of hair loss, but it’s not just age-related. Keep reading to find out exactly why men lose their hair.

Hair loss is experienced by most men at some point in their lives. More than half of men over the age of 50 show signs of hair loss, with this rising to 80% of men over the age of 70.

While hair loss is incredibly common, it can be distressing for some who are used to flaunting their lustrous locks. Hair is heavily associated with youthfulness in our society, and thinning hair can be upsetting for men and women alike. Let’s arm you with the science behind male hair loss and chat through your treatment options, so you feel confident to take control of your own appearance.

What causes male hair loss?


For many people, the first response to a guy who’s worried about baldness is ‘was your dad bald?’ and that’s because genetics play a big role in hair loss. Male pattern baldness is a type of baldness that’s often passed to you in your genes, though it’s not clear exactly how this gene is passed on. If you have close family relatives who went bald, you may be more likely to experience baldness, too.

Depending on how you are related to those with this condition may influence how early you start showing signs of hair loss. It’s possible to see the first signs of hair loss in your teens. These signs may include hair thinning, or hair that feels soft, fine and is getting shorter. If this is you, don’t panic. You can take steps to help prevent going bald if you are in the early stages of hair loss. Read more about that here.


It’s no myth that being stressed can make your hair fall out. While chronic stress can influence hair thickness, it’s usually a sudden shock or stressor that causes the biggest impact, such as a severe illness or emotional shock. Even the flu can cause temporary hair loss. Sudden weight gain is also notable as a physical shock that can cause your hair to fall out.

Many men begin losing their hair in their forties and fifties. And while physiological and genetic factors may be influencing this, this age is also associated with high stress, particularly amongst men (hello mid-life crisis).

If you are worried about hair loss, it’s a good idea to take measures to improve your lifestyle. Try eating healthier meals, getting regular exercise, more sleep and limiting the stress in your life where possible.

The Immune System and Alopecia

Alopecia is a type of hair loss that’s caused by an immune response. It’s where your body’s own immune system attacks your hair follicles, causing hair to fall out. This condition is also genetic, but if you have it, you probably starting experiencing symptoms during childhood. Often the hair grows back, but you may go through stages of hair loss throughout your life.

Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions can cause your hair to fall out temporarily. Diabetes and Lupus increases your risk of hair loss. You may also be more likely to lose your hair if you have thyroid problems or anaemia. Because of the latter, it’s a good idea to check your iron levels and take a dietary supplement if needed, as low iron levels can cause anaemia and lead to hair loss.

Certain medications taken for illnesses can cause your hair to fall out temporarily. This includes medications for:

  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Depression
  • Gout
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart problems

Looking for a solution to hair loss?

As well as leading a healthy lifestyle, you may be able to take certain medications to reduce the signs of hair loss. If appropriate, we provide a medication called Finasteride. When men experience hair loss, there is often a hormonal process occurring internally. Hair loss can occur when testosterone (the main male sex hormone) is converted into dihydrotestosterone, or DHT (another hormone). DHT can bind to receptors in the scalp and shrink the hair follicles over time, so that they can no longer support hair growth. Finasteride works by preventing testosterone from converting into DHT.

Are you worried about your hair loss? Take our free online consultation to check if Finasteride is an appropriate medication for you. If it is, our pharmacists will authorise your online prescription and deliver it to you in discreet packaging.